August 15, 2008

good things

Martha Stewart Living always impresses. I love cracking open each shiny new issue to see the bounty of lovely images and ideas that are piled up inside. The stylists are the cream of the crop. Purrdy pictures abound. And the brains behind the mag come up with one amazing decor, holiday decorating, organizing, gardening, cooking, baking, collecting - you name it! - idea after another. MSL is the inspiration bible.

Every year for Christmas my mom renews my subscription, and until just a few days ago, I kept every issue. There were stacks and stacks... all organized by date {Martha would be so proud!} and full of dog-ears, notes and bookmarks. But all good things {hee hee, no pun intended!} must come to an end, and the neat-freak in me decided it was high time to bid adieu to those stacks. But not until I went through each one and tore out the ideas that I wanted to keep. After what seemed like endless page-turning, I finally got through every last issue, tearing out pages as I went along. Now the only stack that's left is the one on the curb for recyling.

Here are a couple of my tear-outs that I think are share-worthy:

I love this idea of using an old chair as a bedside table. Here it's used in a guest room, set up with essentials that welcome. I could also see doing this in a master bedroom with a lovely vase of flowers and an alarm clock on the seat and a stack of books or magazines below.

They manage to make even under the kitchen sink look pretty! I know that mine could use some organization like this. And what fun to go about grommeting. {Sorry, I realize how craft-nerdy that just made me sound.} But I do think it would be nice to have a place to hang my rubber gloves and a dish towel or two rather than stashing them in a drawer across the room.

Old metals cans are transformed into a collection of simple white vases that are perfect for showing off flowers from the garden. And just think how green you'd be if you held on to those old soup and coffee cans and turned them into something beautiful. Now if only I could get my hands on so many gorgeous hydrangeas...

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