October 16, 2008

halloween decorating - on the cheap!

I love this cheap and easy Halloween decorating idea. The eye-catching results are a treat and not at all tricky to recreate.

To paint pumpkins - use painter's tape & self-adhesive paper to mark off stripes, circles {or whatever designs your heart desires}, and then spray with glossy black and white paint. Let dry and remove the tape/paper. It's as easy as that!

If I were to try this, I think I'd definitely do the polka dots - since I am really in to those lately - and I'd also see about getting different letter/number stencils to create words or maybe even our monogram. Or ooh!... I could put four pumpkins side-by-side and paint one number from our address on each and put them outside our door. Hmm... now there's an idea. I also really like the mix of painted and plain pumpkins like in the photo above and do currently have an empty fireplace...

Painted Pumpkins come from Good Housekeeping, an excellent resource for holiday crafts and decorating. Definitely worth checking out if you're looking for some ideas.

1 comment:

karey m. said...

loving those striped ones! those are definitely my speed...