October 30, 2008

lavender's blue, dilly dilly

Lavender's green
When I am king, dilly, dilly, you shall be queen.
Who told you so, dilly, dilly, who told you so?
'Twas my own heart, dilly, dilly, that told me so.

Do you remember that nursery rhyme? I played it for a piano recital once in Elementary school, and now that I've brought home a bottle of lovely Caldrea Lavender Lotion, every time I put it on (or even see the bottle, for that matter), that little ditty pops into my head.

Did I tell you that I'm obsessed with lavender now? It's my new favorite scent. Ever since we went to Mexico (which I am now realizing I have not talked about AT ALL... oops!) I started to love it. We were lucky enough to have a room with a balcony that overlooked a huge garden of lavender. Rows and rows of it. We were still a few weeks away from seeing the flowers bloom, but the garden was so pretty nonetheless. The owner of the villa grows lavender for soaps and lotions, and so there were bunches of the dried flowers hanging all around leaving the most amazing aroma in the air. And even though it’s been months since our trip, every time I smell it, my mind goes right back to our time in Mexico. (Hence the Caldrea Lotion – who wouldn’t want to be reminded of a perfect trip?)

Now I'm on a mission: to find inexpensive bulk dried lavender so I can try to copy the idea in the photo above. (If anyone has any suggestions for finding it, I'd really appreciate it!)

{Photo above was taken by me at the office of the villa.
They had bunches and bunches of dried lavender strung from wall to wall.}

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