April 8, 2011


Hooray for weekends!

I can't wait for two days off from the hustle and bustle, rush rush rush of the week. Henry's getting his very first haircut on Saturday! And we've got tasty brunches and dinners out planned with friends. Last I heard, the temps are supposed to be in the 70's on Sunday... perfect for airing out the house and getting the whole gang outside to play.

Whatever your plans, I hope you enjoy every moment of your weekend!

xo, Kristin

(Image via Maureen DuLong on flickr.)


  1. Oooh 70s sounds awesome. I'm excited we might get up to 60 here - I'll take it. Good luck with the haircut and enjoy that Spring weather!

  2. hi mary! we actually were closer to 80 and it felt hot! it was weird getting out the sunscreen, shorts and tanktops for the kids again. reminded me of all the summer shopping I have to do to get ready for the season!
    xo, Kristin
