April 7, 2011


Just like I knew it was right to step away for a while a few months ago, it feels so right to be back now, starting again from where I left off. Hello again!

And now it's spring here in Chicago! And it feels so nice. Even if it is only 50 degrees. And supposed to rain. But I'm not gonna let that get me down because we had a rotten winter (rotten!) and a little rain now means gorgeous flowers and green grass later.

For now, I'm just so excited to be back and to show you all the wonderful things that I've been filing away, knowing that I'd share all the loveliness with you some day again. The day is come! And today I am loving her cheery, colorful prints...

(Bird Chirping Weather by Katie Daisy on Etsy)


  1. so cute, and i'm so happy you're back! we had a pretty bad winter here as well, but this weekend we're expecting 15C weather (high 60s in farenheit) and i'm so excited to start riding my bike more again! yay spring! xox

  2. Lovely to see you back, Kristin!

  3. Hooray! So happy to see you back here. :)

  4. A belated welcome back - so lovely to see you! Such a pretty print, and bird-chirping weather is the best kind of weather. I hope your week is off to a good start. Annie x
