November 12, 2010

happy friday!

Hooray the weekend is here again!

Tonight is all about cuddling on the sofa with my honey and catching up on our taped TV shows from the week. Tomorrow I'm heading to a friend's house so we can start planning the menu for a baby shower we're hosting, and tomorrow night we're having some friends over for dinner. I'm making a cheesy baked gnocchi and a pumpkin cheesecake for dessert. I'll let you know how it goes!

Any fun plans for you?

'Til Monday, then.
xo, Kristin

(I'm not sure where I got this image from. I saved it a while ago. If anyone happens to know it's origin, please do let me know so I can cite it properly.)


  1. The hot cider with cinnamon is a sure fire hit to welcome in the cold nights.


  2. i love gnocchi - i am going to attempt making it from scratch one day. enjoy your weekend! xo
