November 15, 2010

big announcement (well, for me at least)

I wanted to share some news...

After a few months of thinking about it and lots of long talks with the Hubby and close friends about it, I've decided to go back to work. And I start... TOMORROW! I'm going back only part-time - Tuesday through Thursday, and well, I'm really excited (and a little nervous!) to get back into it. I've missed being a designer quite a lot. While I'm at the office, the Twinkies will be making new friends and having new adventures at daycare.

I know it's going to take us quite a while to get used to things. And surely there will be times that I ask myself, "what the heck am I doing this for?" (Like when we're scrambling to get out the door in the mornings to get everyone to where they need to be!) But really this part-time gig is pretty awesome. I'll be at work 3 days, and the rest of the days I'll be home with my Little Beans. I think it's going to be pretty great, actually.

So, wish me luck!
I'll be sure to let you know how things go!

xo, Kristin


  1. Good luck! Awesome that you have a part-time situation available to you. It seems to be the best of both worlds. Congrats!

  2. Kristin, Congratulations on making such a big decision and being so happy about it. That is key to being a good mother. Best to you as you make the necessary adjustments.


  3. YAH!!!! Good for you...the best of both worlds...your very own thing and you get to be a mom too! You will rock this! Good luck and have fun!!

  4. Kudos to you Kristin! Hope you love your new job, little Amelia and Henry will be proud of their mom!

  5. yay good for you! i know it's a decision you've been considering for a long time - i'm glad you've figured out what will make you happy. best of luck with the part time & the balancing (here's to having it all!)
    xo meg

  6. Thank you all so much for your well-wishes! It means a lot to carry your good words with me as we embark on this new adventure.
