November 1, 2010

back in the saddle again

What began as just a few days off quickly spiraled into a few weeks, and before I knew it a few months even, but I'm so happy to be back now. Hello friends! I hope you've been having a splendid fall. This is my most favorite time of year. Crunchy leaf piles, baked apples and sweater weather make me smile.

Just a few favorite fall things...

Trader Joe's pumpkin butter for breakfast.
Makes waffles taste heavenly.

Cozy pj's.
And tucking under a cozy down comforter for bed.

Orange and black.
Which, coincidentally, are my high school colors. go Phantoms!
(And, upon closer look, the stripes may actually be brown, but close enough!)

Trading in flip-flops for (beautiful!) boots.

What have you been up to? What's your most favorite thing about this time of year?

xo, Kristin


  1. Love those pjs and boots! I've missed your posts!

    My fave thing about this season is boots, scarves and layers. Love it!

  2. i missed you kristin!! i love the leaves, they are everywhere here right now. and all the delightful baking & warm things to eat. i don't want to see another salad until spring (instead, bring on the roasted veggies!)

  3. Lovely to have you back Kristin! At this time of year I'm putting on sun lotion and flip flops~ crazy world, huh?
    Love those boots!

  4. Welcome back. I hope you're refreshed. What a great round-up you have here. It makes me really thankful to be able to enjoy such sensory pleasures at this time of year. I love cozying up with my fluffy pink organic robe at night, decorating my home with seasonal touches and Mexican atole (sort of like hot cocoa but thicker and with more texture).

  5. In the year of 2017. People around me suddenly begin to hang out with dress formal dress.I'm feeling curious and suspicion at the moment:"Is this a thing now?"And here's my thoughts after research and the dress that I bought.
