September 10, 2010

happy friday!

Hello Friends!

My Friday letter might be a little late as I'm sure you're already on your way out for a night of fun, but I just wanted to pop in and wish you a lovely weekend. No plans for me tonight. Just some lazing on the sofa with Hubby. And a glass of wine.

I keep thinking that at this time last year, I was in the hospital eagerly (and anxiously!) awaiting the arrival of my Twinkies. I spent the day reminiscing with thoughts popping up whenever I looked at the clock... this time last year I was on my way to see the doctor; this time last year, I was being rolled up to the delivery wing; this time last year I was beginning to wonder if these babies were ever going to come. (Little did I know that it would take them *all* night to make their grand entrance!) I know I'm the proverbial broken record, but I just can't believe it's already been a year!

And boy am I looking forward to the weekend. Tomorrow will be all about celebrating my little H-man and Millie Monkey. And then Wade and I are going to get all dolled up for a friend's wedding that night. I can't wait to put on my dancin' shoes!

Whatever your plans, I hope your weekend a good one!
xo, Kristin

PS - they're my little super heroes.

(Super Heroes at Rosy Designs on Etsy. Do go check out her shop if you have time. Adorable prints.)


  1. Hi Kristin,

    What a fun print. My kids would love this. I'll definitely have to check out that Etsy shop. On another note, congratulations on your one-year anniversary as a mom. What a wonderful time for you. I remember feeling such a sense of accomplishment and very much like a "survivor" when we celebrated my son's first birthday. I hope you had a beautiful weekend with all the celebrating going on.


    p.s. Almost forgot. Your new header is simple, modern and totally lovely. Totally fits your aesthetic.

  2. Congratulations on the twinkies first year! Gosh can you believe a year has gone by already ? I hope you're having a lovely weekend!

  3. Hi, I just found your blog. And totally love it!!! Hope you had a nice break at that wedding party. As a mother of 2, I also know that we need to wind down - just hubby and i - by ourselves. We recently just got our own time together when (after 3 years) when some pals babysitted our kids during an anniversary celebration at Per Se.

  4. awww so cute! i bet it was an amazing day last year, and the memories must be so fun! i hope you're having a lovely september, and that henry & amelia's first birthday was a wonderful one!
    xo meg

  5. Hi Kristin. You haven't been around for a long time. Hope everything is fine.
    Missing your posts.
