This week's 10 Things is brought to us by sweet Mary of
Mary Loves. I just know that if Mary and I lived down the street from one another - rather than across the country - we would be friends. Friends who bake treats for each other, enjoy cocktails on our front porches together and celebrate summer at a local street fest with our families. There are times that Mary will write something, and I would just swear that I was thinking the exact same thing. I love popping over to
Mary Loves to fill up my cup of inspiration.
I never tire of... watching sunsets. I suppose there are lots of things I could've put at the end of that sentence, but this is what leapt to mind, and it's certainly true. Every sunset is different, beautiful, magical, and peaceful. And if you have the opportunity to sit and really watch one? Well that is a good day.
The most romantic thing a person can do is... listen. Flowers or a surprise gift or trip are wonderful, certainly, but isn't it the best when you feel like you are truly being heard? If you want to be romantic, have dinner. (Making it is a nice touch.) Really look into her eyes over a good bottle of wine. And listen.
When I need to blow off steam I... take a walk. Getting out in the fresh air, surrounded by nature. That's where I find peace.
I'm happiest when... I'm having tickle fights with my boys. Or reading stories with my boys. Or just watching them sleep. You get the picture, don't you? My boys are my love, and all I have to do is look at them to feel happiness.
I always wanted to be... well I don't know about always, but what I talked about the most as a kid was an astronaut. I really thought I'd end up going into science in some way. However, differential calculus kicked my butt in college, so economics and business won out.
The best thing I ever ate was... snails in Paris. Sorry, escargots. But really, let's just call them what they are. They were drenched in olive oil and garlic and were simply amazing. I know what you're thinking. "Really? Snails?" I could say blueberry ice cream, or lobster, or any number of amazing things I've had. The reason why I chose snails is because it was such a memorable meal. My sister and I visited Paris in my early twenties. It was my first trip to Europe. We ate at a true Parisian restaurant recommended to us by a friend. It was a tiny little room with just a few tables. The chef came out and had drinks with us afterwards. We drank wine. We laughed and laughed and I swear our French was better the more we drank. The meal was amazing in every sense, and I don't even remember anything else we ate. So I'm going with snails.
My signature dish is... a strawberry-almond cream tart. And sangria. I make a mean pitcher of sangria.
My favorite thing about my house is... it's a tie between my front porch and my bathroom. I adore having a front porch. I love being able to sit outside, watching a thunderstorm roll through. I have always preferred front porches to back decks, since I feel they are much more effective at connecting you with your neighbors. My bathroom, though, is pretty awesome. We have renovated a lot of our house so far, and this bathroom is perfect. Nice big shower, where I can stand and look across the street at the river. And a big clawfoot tub. I don't get to use it often enough, but oh, when I do...

I could spend the whole day... listening to music and trying to play my guitar. I love finding new music. And when I find a band I like, listening to an album all the way through. And then listening to my favorite songs again, really getting to know them.
The best thing to wake up to is... the sunshine and chirping birds. Of course, I have two little ones, so I haven't been woken up that way in a really long time. I have a CD alarm clock, and I had cello music in there for a while - that was nice. Right now I'm waking up to Pearl Jam during the week and "Mom! I want to wake up!" on the weekends.
Mary - thank you so much for sharing with us. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that your Parisian dinner sounds amazing, and yes, I'd love a sangria! ;)
xo, Kristin(Images: 1. mary's; 2. mary's; 3. cafe; 4. tart; 5. mary's; 6. guitar)