December 9, 2011

tgif & a fun weekend ahead

I am so excited for tonight... we're meeting a big group of friends out at one of my favorite French bistros for a yummy dinner that will hopefully include copious amounts of butter, champagne and chocolate. And lots of laughs, too! I've been looking forward to this night for weeks and don't want to admit how many times I've already looked at the menu online to think about what I might order. ;)

And if that isn't enough, I'm co-hosting our 6th annual(!) cookie exchange with some amazing girlfriends who I don't get to see nearly enough. Can't wait to take home a tray of fresh-baked cookies from all my lovely ladies.

What are you up to, Friends? Hopefully you've got something to look forward to this weekend, too.

xo, Kristin

(Image via From Me To You. You've gotta check out this photography. Uh-mazing!)


  1. Hi Kristin! You're the busy bee as usual. I'm really looking forward to a "dolce far niente" weekend here. We've had guests over for the past two weeks, and even though I love having friends stay at home, there is a lot to do to keep everything going smoothly so am looking forward to a relaxing weekend!

    Have a great one and hope your dinner tonight is everything you expected it to be!

  2. New to your blog and love the content and the photos...I am sure I will be visiting frequently
