November 3, 2011

10 things: getting to know

It has been AGES since we've had a "10 Things" post, and so I am so excited to kick off another round of my little question and answer game with Annie of Elsa May. Can I just tell you how much I lurve Annie's blog? Top to bottom eye candy in every post.

Onward to Annie's 10 Things...

The last thing I do before bed is: check on my sleeping boys and kiss them goodnight.

If I didn't have to work, you'd find me: gardening or horse riding.

The last time I cried was: when I was thrown a good four metres off my horse - ouch!

My signature dish is: probably apple and berry crumble.

When I need to blow off steam I: head out for a brisk walk somewhere green.

The best place to be in the fall is: walking in the woods, or out in the paddocks on my parents farm. And the best time is late afternoon when the light and temperature are falling, and you can smell the woodsmoke from the chimney as you walk home.

I could spend the whole day: gardening or horse riding. A truly indulgent day would be spent curled up with a book - no interruptions, and no have-to-be-somewheres.

The book I can read again and again is: hmm...this changes from time to time, but Jane Eyre is a good "comfort" go to.

The farthest I've been from home is: technically (as in the most miles) it would have to be Edinburgh, Scotland.

The best thing about my family is: that they are always there for me, no matter what. And that I can talk to my parents about absolutely anything.

The words I live by are: treat others how you'd like to be treated. Oh, and try to remember to be kind to yourself (easier said than done).

You'll always find in my pantry: dark, dark chocolate.

Annie - thank you SO much for taking the time to do this. Means a ton. Your photos and thoughts have inspired me to get outside and breath in some fresh air!

xo, Kristin

(Images from top: Annie's "wonderful-mad-crazy boys"; garden; crisp; horse; walk; chocolate)


  1. Oh, I just love these kind of posts. It's fun to get a little peak into the mind of our favorite bloggers, isn't it? Very fun. Especially when you realize how much you have in common with them - dark chocolate, good books, walks in the Fall... I think you've inspired me to find out where I can go horseback riding - I haven't done it since I was a kid. Maybe when my boys are old enough to do it with me...

  2. Thanks for asking me to 'play' - it was fun!
