September 22, 2011

my twosome turned two

It was just two weeks ago that we were singing happy birthdays, opening presents (scooters! yay!) and gobbling up homemade rainbow chip cake.

My little peeps are two now, and I am the proudest, happiest mama in the world.


  1. ahhhh so cute! what adorable little monsters you have :) happy birthday to henry & amelia! xo

  2. They are so cute!!!! Congrats. Just wait for the next 16 years to fly by... :)

  3. Two?! Where did all the time go? Wow, I can't believe it. And they are so darn cute!!!

  4. cutest ever!!
    and that cake!!?? thank god you live in chicago...or i'd be knocking at that door for rainbow yummy every stinking sunday.

  5. Oh Kristin, they are so precious! Thanks for sharing these pics!

  6. oh my goodness he's adorable! how blessed you are to have such a hnadsome and growing boy! blessings over you!

    glitteringly and positively, raeshelle!

  7. So sweet! Mine are just about to turn three, it is awesome having twins and seeing them grow together:)
