August 10, 2011


I've got to add a new favorite to my list... Newport, RI.

Cresting the bridge into town took my breath away as the view opened up to amazing beach houses, sailboats in the harbor, and vibrant, colorful flowers galore. It was postcard pretty.

We stayed in a lovely old hotel that stood among shops, restaurants and the mansions on Bellevue, which were so enormous my idea of mansion is forever changed. (Think 140,000 square feet!)

We wined, we dined (on plenty of fresh seafood) and even got a chance to catch a flick on a rainy afternoon. Oh, and how could I forget this? We slept in! (I haven't slept until 8:00 since before the kids were born. What a treat!)

It was the perfect long weekend away, and after only a few days there, I completely fell in love with this little city on the sea.

All that's missing was The Twinkies. It was the first time I was away from them for so long, and I missed them loads. I was so happy to see them when we got home! (and it made leaving all that much easier.)

(Image via here.)


  1. sounds like a gorgeous place to visit, but all i took away from this is "i haven't slept til 8:00 since before the kids were born." and now i'm scared! :)

  2. So happy to hear you had a good time, Kristin! You deserve to treat yourself to a relaxing weekend!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I haven't been since I was a little girl - but I always dreamed of hosting a party in one of those mansions! Hope you did the cliff walk while you were there...

  5. Meg - you totally make me laugh! Enjoy your quiet/sleeping in moments now because whenever kiddos arrive those days are so over!

  6. Oh my that sounds like the perfect weekend away - love the sound of Farmaesthetics - am off to check them out.

  7. Newport is one of my favorite places in the world!!!
