July 27, 2011

a weekend in newport

[UPDATE: sorry that i'm posting this again, but i'm trying to figure out why there are problems linking the photos. argh! any suggestions?]

A few months ago over dinner at my sister's house, she casually mentioned that she'd love to take the kids for a weekend so Wade and I could get away and celebrate our anniversary. Of course we are thrilled to take her up on it! (I honestly could not leave them in more capable hands.) And I'm so excited that our weekend away is nearly upon us -- next weekend, to be exact!

We're heading to Newport, RI, which I have heard nothing but good things about. I'm already daydreaming about lobster rolls, lazing at the beach and sleeping in.

And now I've got to think about what to pack.

Here are some day and night outfits I put together that I think would be lovely for a weekend away with the hubs...

Are any of you familiar with Newport and do you have some recommendations for things to do? I'd love if you shared!
xo, Kristin

(For day: tank, sunglasses, espadrilles, earrings, shorts, purse)
(For night: dress, necklace, clutch, sandals, perfume)


  1. Newport is gorgeous, and what a wonderful time to be there! I've been there a few times but it's been a while and I don't really have specific recommendations. There are lots of great restaurants, beautiful beaches, check out the mansions and the harbor, and definitely get that lobster!

  2. I've never been, but would love to! Take lots of pics!

    PS. For some reason, the image isn't showing in this post - it says Google Error when I try to click on it. This probably is a temporary glitch, but just thought I'd let ya know in case it's a hiccup on your end.

  3. Love those little studs :)

    And I had thought you meant Newport, CA hehe. But mmmmm lobster rolls...we don't get proper ones here in CA :(

    xx THE CHEAP

  4. i've never been, but a weekend away for your anniversary sounds wonderful!! i bet you'll have an amazing time :) and dionne's right, i can't see the first picture in the post, but your evening outfit is gorgeous!

  5. Thanks, Ladies. I am really looking forward to this trip away (and I'm a little anxious about being away from the kids that long, but I think I'll get over it!)

    I wonder why the photos aren't showing... I'm on IE9 now, and I know it isn't entirely compatible with blogger, and so I wonder if that's why some of you can't see it. hmmm...

  6. I'm so excited for you and Wade! I haven't been to Newport, but my Dad lives in Cape Cod and I'm totally in love with the entire area! I can't get enough of New England, the architecture, food and landscape, it's all so pretty! You HAVE to get lobsta' rolls and some chowda' too. Can't wait to see pictures. And bring your stripes, Kristin!

  7. megan - I must be in the mood for the seaside already because i'm wearing my navy and white striped dress today! i am going to be full-on nautical by the time i get there. wade's going to request to sit in another seat on the plane so he doens't have to be by the crazy "striped" lady. ;)
    mmm... lobsta. :)

  8. it's always been a dream to summer in newport, ri.
    can't wait to see the photos..
    for now....greetings from newport, california
