September 7, 2010

hello + a week of kid stuff

Hi Friends!

Have a nice weekend? Mine was about as perfect as can be with bright sunny days that felt a little bit like fall. I bought delicious plums and a colorful bunch of zinnias at the farmers market. We enjoyed a tasty lunch out with a pair of our dearest friends on Sunday. And we took a little trip to the suburbs to visit friends who just moved. Don't you just love long weekends? I wish every one could be 3 days.

Henry and Amelia are going to turn one (one!!) this Saturday and to honor their big day, I'll be doing a week of kiddie stuff posts leading up to the weekend.

Today I have a peek into a super cool whale room photographed by Mark Lund...

Great colors, no? I wonder where to find that wallpaper...

(Image source.)


  1. What? One ALREADY????!!! Oh my goodness!

    Love the whales!

  2. I know, you can find it at

    They have many lovely wallpapers! Enjoy!

    xxx Evy

  3. thank you so much for the link, Evy! makes me want to wallpaper something really badly!

  4. Oh, wow, it's my birthday too on Saturday!
    Hope you post photos of the celebration!

  5. Wow, that year sure went by quickly. What a sweet way to celebrate your beautiful twins. By the way, I loved your nursery.
