August 10, 2010

my summer reading list

Alice I Have Been by Melanie Benjamin.

I LOVED this historical fiction that tells the story of the little girl that the book "Alice in Wonderland" was based on. It's a bit of a love story, a bit of a mystery. And a little bit sad. Historical Fiction is my favorite genre, and I was really taken with this story - I think because I never knew there was a "real" Alice. It was so good that I started doing some internet "research" to read more about her. I didn't want the book to end!

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski

Oh, this book was SO good. The story is about Edgar, a young boy who was born mute, and who lives on a small farm with his parents and his dogs. Everything's hunky-dory until Uncle Claude returns home, and that's when Edgar's world turns upside down. There's a reason why Oprah picked this for her bookclub. I laughed, I cried, and I was constantly awed by the author's knack for words and the images he provokes. If you're a dog lover, you are especially going to like this. I can't even count how many times I put the book down to hug Lulu.

Food Rules: An Eater's Manual by Michael Pollan

This is a super-quick read. As in, you can finish it in a day. It's a great little book about how to eat, what to eat, when to eat, and how much. I really liked it and have recommended it to a lot of friends. (and now you, too!)

World Without End by Ken Follett

Love. War. The Plague. Ken Follett's done it again with this historical fiction. It's huge - 1000+ pages! - but goes by surprisingly quickly once you get into the story. I actually liked this better than "Pillars of the Earth", his first novel. Bottom line - it's an epic love story with a whole lotta obstacles thrown at the love-birds. And I really liked it.

The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett

This was a favorite when I was a kid, and I couldn't pass it up when I saw it at the library. A great story about friendship and appreciating nature and believing in yourself. I can't wait to read this with Amelia some day.

The Pigeon Finds a Hotdog! by Mo Willems

Mo Willems is awesome. His books are awesome. I love that kooky pigeon.

Have you read any of these?
I'd love to hear what you think.

Now I'm looking for something new. Have any to recommend?

Happy Reading!
xo, Kristin


  1. Hey hi there kristin! Am just ur recently follower and am just glad to browse ur site. Its lovely. Anyways books are gems for me, wow uv got good ones!

    See u around.

  2. We Love the Pigeon books in this house, have you read them all? so cute. When it's time for potty training Mo has "Time to Pee" a keeper for sure! If you have not read The Glass Castle, put it on your list, but something tells me you have :)

  3. loved your list. if you haven't read The Help by Kathryn Stockett, well you should.

  4. thanks, Kate! i definitely plan on reading The Help. It's been recommended by so many friends!

  5. Hi Rory! Thanks for the other Mo books recommendations! I will definitely keep that one in mind for potty training. Next on our wish list is Knufflebunny. (though right now I think Wade and I are more entertained with them than the kiddos.)

    I LOVED The Glass Castle. Wasn't it just unbelievable what that family went through and that they just did it. they didn't complain. they didn't compare. they just lived like they knew how. it was amazing.

  6. Loved the Secret Garden as a girl, and that pigeon is too kooky and cute for words :) And I've just picked up Food Rules on Amazon - thanks for the recommendation!

  7. I'm loving getting to know your blog, and I always love getting book recommendations. My nightstand is a bit heavy these days, but I'll keep this bookmarked for sure.

    Here's a link to my 'books' posts for some of my recommendations. The last one I read was "Let the Great World Spin", which was fabulous.

  8. I read a lot as well and was a bit surprised with how much I love historical fiction. I love getting recommendations from others and look forward to reading Edgar Sawtelle.
