August 8, 2010

hello dears

Hi, Dear Readers. I'm sorry I was away so long. And for disappearing without so much as a note saying I'd be taking a bit of time off. Please do forgive me. I can only say that I've been takin'-it-easy. Living my own version of the "lazy days of summer." (As much as that's possible with twins!)

It was nice to take a break from blogging, though. I felt like things were getting a little stale around here. I needed a recharge. And I think I got it. Feeling newly inspired, I'm ready to jump back in and share some of my little joys with you.

Thanks for hanging with me.
xo, Kristin

Here's a lovely still life from the portfolio of Lisa Hubbard.
Isn't it charming?

(still life by Lisa Hubbard)

PS - if any of you happen to see a tablecloth like this, please let me know. I am smitten with it!


  1. Hi Ho dear Kristin! I so understand you, sometimes we need a respite from blogging and especially you with twins! I took a two week holiday and posted only once (because I promised I would try!) but I assure you that I dind't miss blogging one bit, and when I came back I was ready and renewed and looking forward to blogging every day again.

    Welcome back lovely!

  2. Glad to have you back, we have missed you!
    Velvet Cupcakes

  3. Glad to see you're back, Kristin! I needed a break as well, but it's always nice to come back refreshed and inspired!
    That tablecloth is dreamy, good find!
