August 27, 2010

happy friday + momtastic

Hooray for Friday!

Guess what, Friends? I'm over at Momtastic today sharing a bit of the behind-the-scenes that went into planning Henry & Amelia's nursery. Momtastic is a really cool site with all sorts of stuff to keep you busy. If you have the time, take a peek!

This photo above is Henry's side of the room. It's a good thing I took this picture before he got teeth because now it's flecked with little bite marks all around the edge, and I'm not photo savvy enough to know how to cover that up.

Anyhoo... big plans for the weekend? Tonight our very good friends are coming over for dinner and drinks and lots and lots of catch up. And tomorrow Grandma's coming by to watch the kiddos so we can get all dolled up for dinner. It's a little date night so we can celebrate our four years.

Be well and see you next week!
xo, Kristin


  1. Hooray! We loved having you. :)

    Have a great weekend, and congrats on your 4 years! xo

  2. What a wonderful post, Kristin! Who better to take decorating advice from than you?! Hope you had a great anniversary.
