June 29, 2010

spotlight: up up creative

I'm back!!

I had a lovely week with my parents... full of lots of laughs, lots of hugs and lots of relaxation. If I wasn't missing my hubby and my pup so badly, I might have extended my stay! But it is good to be back and to share some new things with you...

Like this inspired idea!
A deck of feelgood cards is sure to come in handy every now and then...

(Feelgood Cards by Up Up Creative)

If you're feeling a bit down in the dumps, simply grab a card for some quick & easy mood-boosting advice. There are 38 tips to choose from! That frown will be gone before you know it.

Also, be sure to check out the Feelgood Lists. The inspiring backstory has got me composing my own list of bad mood busters.


  1. I am glad you had fun. And these cards are so cute!

  2. Yay your visit with your folks sounds perfect! I love these cards, and the feelgood lists - ideal for those down in the slump-dump days. Thanks ever so much for sharing.
